Here are some of the projects I've been involved with as a producer:

Plays & Pints
This is a play reading series at The Exley, a bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We read new plays by Brooklyn-based playwrights. We gather, we drink beer, we listen, we chat. Playwrights get feedback on their work and folks from the neighborhood meet the artists in their community.

Three Day Hangover
I am one-third of a company dedicated to creating accessible, joyful, unpretentious productions of classic texts in New York City. For more information, check out the website at
We've produced works by Shakespeare, Chekhov and Molière, so far.

World Premiere Weekend
I co-founded and co-produced this festival of new work while in graduate school at UC-Irvine. We mobilized scores of UCI students, faculty members and alums to present nearly forty new works in spaces all over the Claire Trevor School of the Arts campus.